Thursday, 2 October 2008

snif sniff sneeze sneeze

i hate having a cold... thankfully this is the first one for 5 years - I had a chest infection 2 years ago at new year but this is the first horrible snotty nose sore throat headach achy bones cold for soooooooo long.

Was at the Ricoh areana today for our companies international sales conference - it was good but loud... more about that tomorrow - for now i am going to make another cuppa (seriously dehydrated cos I couldn;t nip out of the conference room for a wee so I didn;t drink anything!!)
and then me and my hotwater bottle are going to go to bed as I have to be up early again tomorrow to be at work early so I can swat up on all my sales figures and stuff as I have the Operations director visiting my shop tomorrow afternoon and I have to look like I know whats happening!

1 comment:

laoi gaul~williams said...

hope you feel better soon sarah :)
me and keith both had it post-vanfest but mine was worse ;) heheheh