Sunday, 14 September 2008

Well I've been finishing all the stuff for Telford Junior Ice Hockey Club today... and I'm bog eyed - we have a committee meeting tomorrow night and as communication and liaison officer I have to make sure I'm up to date with all my liaising and communicating!
For those of you who have met me you'll know I'm rather chunky (to say the least) well hey ho I'm on yet another diet but this one is working!! god bless the cambridge diet, 8 weeks and I've lost 2 stone; look out little black dress I'm coming to get you!
I made the kids an apple pie today - following the Hairy Bikers recipe - oh boy did it look yummy but I resisted and remained virtuous and had my soup (they had the pie after I;d made them a full on roast beef dinner) but.... I chucked a right old strop afterwards and now i feel really yukky cos i was stupid - its only an apple pie afterall.

Nothing tastes as good as slim feels!!

1 comment:

laoi gaul~williams said...

ohhh hello lovie :D
good to finally see you in blog-land :)

i became very miserable at VF~will post about it later, but we came home a day early!

say hi to the chuggas for us!